Personal Hypnosis

Catherine will be opening  a hypnosis clinic in Los Angeles soon.



A world where you can access a brand new chapter of your life, where you can access your inner super-hero to create the life you dream of. Imagine living as a confident being, free of fear and anxiety, or finally being well able to let go of that extra weight.

The only thing that holds us back is our mind, our lack of imagination (or over imagination) and negative illusions that we create. These illusions often emerge from our subconscious from events early in life we barely (if at all) remember. The end result manifests in the form of fear and anxiety, and a feeling of powerlessness with no real understanding.

The power to change our thoughts is the power to change our reality as we know it. What you thought was impossible, can actually be very possible. Welcome to the world of Hypnosis. 


Our conscious, critical minds can be so full of chatter, it's no wonder we can't relax. Our minds have been programmed with all kinds of sneaky, negative thoughts that we have come to believe as truth. Who would we be without these defeating thoughts? What could we achieve? Everything. 

Even if we don't consciously recall events and emotions anchored to those events, our subconscious remembers every experience, every word, every sight, and every sound since we were children. Have you ever made a choice in your life, then in hind-sight, wondered, why did I do that?" Forgotten or suppressed experiences can potentially be the defining moments that fuel our choice making. Your subconscious is like a supernatural hard drive, storing lifetime data. When we recover this lost data, patterns can be changed, and understanding and healing can begin. Hypnosis is a safe and quick way to access recall and change the outcome. 


Super-athletes and champions understand this mindset, and are taught self-hypnosis early on. The mind-set of a champion begins with a thought. That thought forms an image, and that image becomes their reality. They "see" themselves as winning. They never imagine losing. 

Instead, in their minds, they are always crossing the finish line, always hitting a home run, always making that hoop, or the final touchdown. Imagination is the beginning of reality. You too can become a champion. A champion of life. What it takes, is pure focus. 

What are you focusing on?


You will not tell me your deepest secrets or rob a bank on my command.


Hypnosis is not hard. It's easy. All you have to do is relax and follow my simple instructions. It's a natural state. You pass through it on the way to sleep and on the way to waking up. It's the "dream state' where fantastic ideas and creativity easily and effortlessly spring to mind. 

It's not what you have seen in the movies. It's not scary. In fact, we naturally hypnotize ourselves several times a day. Have you ever found yourself in the driveway and wondering how you got there? The answer is simply this: Your subconscious knew the way perfectly; it safely guided you home while your conscious mind was busy thinking about the tasks of tomorrow, what happened today, that fight with your wife or husband, or what you need to buy at the grocery store later on. Have you ever zoned out in a boring meeting (or class) only to be brought back to the room by someone asking you a question?" Then too, you were in a trance. You in fact, put yourself there! 


You are not sleeping when you are under hypnosis. If you were, you wouldn't hear me. You are in a super relaxed state. Your conscious mind is at rest while your subconscious mind is wide-awake and ready to work. Let me give you a few facts about the subconscious. Unlike the conscious mind, which is critical and judgmental, the subconscious is child-like by nature, uncritical and non-judgmental. It is simply the fact gatherer, from all that it has ever experienced by sight and sound, whether you remember it or not. 


Yes, but make no mistake.. YOU change your life. The power is already within you. As the hypnotist, I lovingly guide you there. You get to truly relax. Even just a few minutes of hypnosis can make you feel as if you've had hours of rest. Hypnosis can help you sleep better and even look younger. A relaxed mind can create a relaxed face. When I bring clients "up", they always have a sweet and childlike youth to their face. It's amazing what happens when the facial muscles get a real break from the daily rigors of clenched jaws and furrowed brows. 

I've had clients come to me to break a habit, only to find that as an added fringe benefit, many of their aches, pains, wrinkles and headaches had subsided because they reached a state of relaxation they had never known.